For the QME official Report Writing 16-hour Certification Course Change to this: “Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 8 §11.5, prior to appointment as a new QME, all physicians must complete at least 16 hours of approved instruction on disability evaluation report writing. This 16-hour program has been approved by the DWC”.
Course Outline
The lecture will include review on common terms, acronyms, types of substantive medical disputes resolved by QMEs, types of medical-legal reports, QME selection process, Ex Parte Communication, Scheduling and Cancelation of Appointments, Records, Review of Records, Evaluation, Report Deadlines, Psych specific concepts, relevant case laws, and important other important references needed to operate as a QME.
Course Outline
The objective of the course is to instruct QME Physicians on the concept of apportionment. This includes definition, SB899 changes to apportionment, case discussion, and common questions and concerns regarding apportionment, such as “can you apportion WPI” and “What about medical records that were not available to the physician?”.
Course Outline
The lecture will provide a deeper understanding on the concept of impairment rating and its application. This also includes determining the appropriate method for assessment (DRE or ROM) specifically for the spine, the corticospinal tract and the pelvis.
Course Outline